Akinola Akintunde & Co – Web Design

laptop 1
364 Gifts – Web Design
November 2, 2020
laptop 5
Aveon Offshore – Web Design
March 10, 2023
3 devices black 12

Akinola Akintunde & Co Overview: “Web Design”


Our goal was to help complement an already built international trust with international partner organizations, potential clients and portray the firm as a reliable and competent authority in the industry. 



We were enlisted to help AA & Co build on an already strong international reputation and gain the trust of its target audience. Firstly, we conducted our research to understand the needs and preferences of potential visitors. Based on our findings, we developed and launched a new website. We also optimized the website for search engines, ensuring it ranked highly in search results for relevant keywords.



Through our efforts, 364 Gifts saw a significant increase in website traffic, social media engagement, and sales. The brand’s premium positioning and high-quality products and services helped to build trust and loyalty among customers, resulting in a positive impact on the company’s bottom line.

Akinola Akintunde
Akinola AkintundeExecutive Chairman, AA & Co.
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